My Week 12 “Uncluttered” email assignment

You haven’t heard from me in a while.  Why?  Well, I’ve been taking an on-line class.  I’ve been posting a bunch on Facebook too, but you most likely haven’t seen those either, because I’ve been posting in the closed “Uncluttered” Facebook group.  What a concept.  Truly, that’s where the magic happened.

Tomorrow is the last day of this magnificent 12 week class.  Part of our assignment for this week was to write a “looking back” email to the class creator, Joshua Becker.  I wanted to share that email with you, along with the before and after pictures that I posted on Facebook today.

Hi Joshua,

Thank you so much for this class.  Wow.  I hardly know where to begin.

How about here?  I spent most of 2013 in a Celebrate Recovery step study, focusing on untangling the ties of co-dependency, depression and anxiety in my life.  I spent a lot of time writing (and reading out loud) in that step study, and my “step-sisters” really liked what I had to say.

Then, in 2014, after many, many people over the years had told me, “You should write a book!”, someone finally said, “You should write a blog!”.  Oh, I can do that.  I started my blog on 7-16-14 and after a few posts, changed the tag line to: “Sharing everyday miracles to encourage those who struggle with depression and anxiety.”

The big break-through happened on my 43rd birthday, 10-19-14, when I wrote and posted “Moment by Moment.”  After I posted it, I shared it with each person on Facebook who wished me a happy birthday.  And then I continued to share it for the next year on each Facebook friend’s birthday.

Ever since then, I’ve written a “special” post for my birthday, following the same pattern I started in 2014.  My post last year was “The Best is Yet to Come.”

And I just shared this on Facebook earlier today, along with some before and after pictures:

“When I wrote last October’s blog post, “The Best is Yet to Come“, I had no idea that “the best” would start with this class.  I’m so glad my 12 year old Jordan Rose encouraged me to pay the $89 to take the 12 week class. But you don’t have to pay $89. Now that I’ve taken it, I have permission to share with you the discount code to take the same class, starting September 4th, for 25% off: FF25. Now that I’ve paid once, I never have to pay again and I will definitely be taking the class again (for free) on September 4th. Join me! Truly, the best is yet to come.  🙂

When I found out that your class was $89, I had told Jordan Rose, “I have Peter Walsh’s book, “It’s All Too Much”.  Why don’t I just read that and do what it says?”  Well, I got that book in 2007.  How’s that plan been working for the last 11 years?  Jordan, a true un-clutterer at heart, thought it was wise for me to spend the money on the class, because then I would actually do it.  I likened it to spending money on Weight Watchers, which has worked very well for me in the past.  Get some skin in the game, and you’ll be motivated to take action.

And take action, we did.  🙂  Thank you again for offering this class.  I already know what my 2018 “special” birthday blog is going to be about.  🙂

Blessings to you,


My “why”
Kitchen “before”
Kitchen “after”
Living room “before”
Living room “after”
My desk “before”
My desk “after”
Printer area “before”
Printer area “after”
File cabinets “before” (and Charlie’s behind)
File cabinets “after”
Mail & shredding area “before”
Mail & shredding area “after”. I am definitely not a minimalist (yes, the American Girl dolls are staying), but I LOVE the clean spaces.
Bedroom dressers/clean clothes “before”
Bedroom dressers “after” (where are the clean clothes? Put away!). 🙂
My closet “before”
My closet now during “Project 333” experiment
Basement family room area “before”
Basement family room area “after”
Front hallway “before”
Front hallway “after”
Just one of the VVA donations

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